MIS Cervical Decompression (foraminotomy, laminotomy)
Patients with symptoms from a disc herniation (neck/arm pain, numbness/tingling, or weakness) may be candidates for minimally invasive decompression.
The discs are soft cushions in between your vertebrae that act as shock absorbers for your spine. They consist of a soft central portion (nucleus pulposus) and harder outer covering (annulus fibrosis). Disc herniations occur when there is a rupture of the outer covering, allowing the inner portion to squeeze out, compressing your spinal cord/nerves. Patients with symptoms from a disc herniation (neck/arm pain, numbness/tingling, or weakness) may be candidates for minimally invasive decompression. This procedure is performed with tubular or endoscopic instruments requiring a very small (<1.5cm) incision to precisely target and remove the problem without damage to surrounding tissues.